Set up a First Person Game in Unity in under Two Hours!
English | 2+ hrs | Video: 720p


Learn the most important techniques needed to develop a first person game in Unity.

This course is designed to teach you the most important techniques required for First Person Game Development.

Such are:

Creating a First Person Character Controller ( This character controller can be used for Horror games, First person Shooters, or basically any First Person Game you can think of ).

Understanding Colliders and Trigger Volumes ( You will understand how collisions work in video games, and how to use them efficiently with object oriented programming ).

Working with the Unity Animator and Animations ( We will be creating all kinds of different animations to make our game more immersive, these animations will be played through scripts, at our command ).

Mastering Raycasts ( Raycasts are the standard technology used in first person video games, be it in shooting, looking at items to pick them up, opening doors, etc.. ).

Learning how to create a Level in Unity.


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Set up a First Person Game in Unity in under Two Hours!

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