CreativeLive - How to Take Maternity Leave without Putting Life on Hold
The big challenge: stepping away from life for 3 months with the expectation of returning to work after maternity leave like nothing happened. Many working women already put in 12 hours a day, so how does one manage with fewer? This common practice is particularly detrimental to small business owners, who find their business slipping away during maternity leave, along with confused and disappointed customers, even when the business has returned to normal.
You’ll Learn How To:
- Determine which tasks in your business are worth your time and attention
- Streamline your business down to the bare essentials, creating successful systems
- Calculate how much money you need to earn during your leave, and work the minimum number of hours to achieve it
- Take advantage of ‘down time’ in productive ways
- Decide when to hire out tasks, even if you’ve never considered hiring contractors before
- Find non-standard childcare options… there’s more than full-time daycare!
- Effortlessly shift your business back into ‘full-rev’ mode