Pixel Film Studios - ProMatte Plug-in For Final Cut Pro X macOS

Pixel Film Studios - ProMatte Plug-in For Final Cut Pro X macOS | 1 MB


Pixel Film Studios brings film makers a new fantastic tool for matte masking in Final Cut Pro X. PROMATTE gives users the ability to aplha or luma matte mask any transparent image or logo allowing their image to see through to the next. Perfect for any type of project, PROMATTE is the perfect addition to any Final Cut Pro users tool library.

Masking logos has never been easier
Masking logos with either video clips or image textures has never been easier in FCPX. PROMATTE is the ultimate tool that allows users to mask and transparent logo or shape image with a few clicks of mouse, allowing time saving professional techniques without sacrificing quality.


Scale your image up or down
Resize any logo with easy controls in PROMATTE. Simple keyframe animation sliders let you pan your image in and out without any effort. Achieve animated professional styles in seconds, and at any skill level.


Home Page - http://store.pixelfilmstudios.com/product/promatte/


Pixel Film Studios - ProMatte Plug-in For Final Cut Pro X macOS

Pixel Film Studios - ProMatte
Final Cut Pro 10.4.1

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