CodeCanyon - Ramom v2.5 - Multi Branch School Management System - 25182324 - NULLED

CodeCanyon - Ramom v2.5 - Multi Branch School Management System - 25182324 - NULLED

·Create a zoom account and get the AP keys from your zoom account and save it in the “Live Class Settings” under “School Settings”. | Create zoom meetings for each live class from your zoom account. | Add Live Class in your Ramom School application and enter zoom meeting id & password. | Students will get the live class sms notification and will appear on the live class rooms page. | Employees will start meeting using Zoom App / Ramom school just before the scheduled time. | Students will simply click the Join Class button and you must approve their requests. | After the student joins, he will watch live streaming video classes. | The documentation is given in more detail.

CodeCanyon - Ramom v2.5 - Multi Branch School Management System - 25182324 - NULLED

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