CodeCanyon - Slim Image Cropper for Gravity Forms v1.8.0 - Photo Uploading and Cropping Plugin - 19606752

CodeCanyon - Slim Image Cropper for Gravity Forms v1.8.0 - Photo Uploading and Cropping Plugin - 19606752

Slim Image Cropper for Gravity Forms (version 1.9+ and 2+) allows your users to attach images to forms. You can set the required aspect ratio and output size of the uploaded images, Slim will make sure all uploaded images fit the set requirements. Ideal if you need your users to upload images of a specific size or ratio like profile pictures, documents or source images for print. Example use cases: Set square aspect ratio to have make uploading profile pictures easier. | Set common document aspect ratios to crop images to familiar document sizes. | Set warning for low quality image uploads. | Set smaller image output size and JPEG compression so images are uploaded faster.

CodeCanyon - Slim Image Cropper for Gravity Forms v1.8.0 - Photo Uploading and Cropping Plugin - 19606752

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