GraphicRiver - Dark Powerpoint Template
Layered PSD, Powerpoint PPT, Powerpoint PPTX | CS | RAR 18 MB
This template include:
- PPTX file for Microsoft Office Powerpoint 2007/2010
- PPT file for Microsoft Office Powerpoint 1997/2003
- Adobe Photoshop CS3 source file, with 7 layers, for each slide; 99% of layers are resizible (text, shape or vector smart layers)
- PNG images with transparency, object from slides embeded in Powerpoint files.
- 7 slides (Welcome, Intro, Portfolio/Services, Portfolio, Chart, Contact Us and “Thank you” slide)
- Custom animation for each object
- Slide transitions
- Slide navigation in bottom (Prev/Next button)
- Editable chart
- Easy to read texts
- Big and readable titles with descriptive subtitles