Tint 1.0.4 Plugin for Adobe Photoshop
Tint 1.0.4 Plugin for Adobe Photoshop | 8.83 MB

This plug-in allows you to add tints to an image for artistic effect. e.g. sepia tone, warm, cool, bleach bypass, etc. It can also convert images to black & white and can emulate the use of color filters used for black and white photography.


v1.0.4 - Full GIMP support
v1.0.3 - Mac Photoline support, save + load settings default directory now sticks
v1.0.2 - Multi-threaded for faster performance, clicking on preview shows original image, x64 support for PC
v1.0.1 (Mac only) - Fixed tab order.
v1.0.0 - Released.

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Tint 1.0.4 Plugin for Adobe Photoshop



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