
Smergie - Wild Brush Typeface
Smergie - Wild Brush Typeface
Smergie - Wild Brush Typeface
Smergie - Wild Brush Typeface
Smergie - Wild Brush Typeface
Smergie - Wild Brush Typeface

Introducing of our new product the name Smergie Wild Brush Typeface. Smergie made with Brush pen into digital this font is a fun theme very good for signature, poster, branding, logotype etc


user LavinLa     

Smackdead - Black Metal Typeface
Smackdead - Black Metal Typeface
Smackdead - Black Metal Typeface
Smackdead - Black Metal Typeface
Smackdead - Black Metal Typeface

Introducing of our new product the name is Smackdead Black Metal Typeface. Smackdead inspired by Black Metal style with a horror theme very good for horror poster, metal music, flyer, album cover, merchandise etc


user LavinLa     

Udemy - Yapay Zeka ve Derin ??renme A-Z™: Tensorflow
Udemy - Yapay Zeka ve Derin Ogrenme A-Z™: Tensorflow

Merhaba arkada?lar, 

user Coktum     

Udemy - Uygulamal? Modern Web Geli?tirme E?itimi
Udemy - Uygulamali Modern Web Gelistirme Egitimi

Bu e?itimde s?f?rdan ba?layarak uygulamal? olarak, ?zenle ve sizi hedefinize en k?sa s?rede haz?rlayacak ?ekilde konular? olu?turulmu? bir web geli?tiricisi olabilirsiniz.

user Coktum     

Udemy - Uygulamalarla MATLAB E?itim Seti
Udemy - Uygulamalarla MATLAB Egitim Seti

MATLAB, ?ok paradigmal? say?sal hesaplama yaz?l?m? ve d?rd?nc? nesil programlama dilidir. D?rd?nc? nesil programlama dili : Kullan?m? ?ok daha kolay, daha az kod yazarak y?nergeler, haz?r ?ablonlar ve sihirbazlar sayesinde belirli ihtiya?larda uzmanla?m?? pratik ??z?mler geli?tirmeye y?nelik dillerdir. MATLAB d?nyas?na giri? yaparak g?r?nt? i?leme, deep learning, computer vision, yapay sinir a?lar? gibi bir ?ok alanda uygulamalar geli?tirebilirsiniz. Akademik d?nyada ve bir ?ok alanda MATLAB olmazsa olmaz bir konumda. E?er siz de MATLAB d?nyas?na ad?m atmak istiyorsan?z bu e?itime  g?z atman?zda fayda oldu?unu d???n?yorum.

user Coktum     

Udemy - U?tan Uca SQL Server E?itimi
Udemy - UCtan Uca SQL Server Egitimi

?nemli Not:

user Coktum     

Udemy - SQL Server Veritaban? Programlama: Temel, Orta, ?leri Seviye
Udemy - SQL Server Veritabani Programlama: Temel, Orta, Ileri Seviye

"Birisine bir ?ey ??retemezsiniz, ancak kendisinin onu ke?fetmesine yard?m edebilirsiniz." {Galileo Galilei}

T?rkiye'nin ilk "?leri Seviye T-SQL Programlama" kitab? yazar?ndan SQL Server veritaban? programlama kursu.

Bu kurs ile birlikte, yazar?n haz?rlam?? oldu?u 700+ sayfal?k kitaba da sahip olacaks?n?z. Video kursun her b?l?m?nde, b?l?mle ilgili t?m teorik ve pratik detaylar? i?eren kitap b?l?m? PDF olarak eklenmi?tir.

user Coktum     

Udemy - Kotlin ile Android Mobil Uygulama Geli?tirme Kursu
Udemy - Kotlin ile Android Mobil Uygulama Gelistirme Kursu

Kotlin ile Nesne Y?nelimli Programlamay? t?m detaylar? ile ??renerek uzmanla??n, ad?m ad?m Android kavramlar?n? ??renin ve h?zl? bir ?ekilde kendi Android uygulamalar?n?z? geli?tirmenin tad?n? ??kar?n.

user Coktum     

Udemy - S?f?rdan ?leri Seviyeye Komple Java Geli?tirici Kursu
Udemy - Sifirdan Ileri Seviyeye Komple Java Gelistirici Kursu

Java ile Nesne Y?nelimli Programlamay? ??renerek uzmanla?man?n ve profesyonel uygulamalar geli?tirmenin tad?n? ??kar?n.

user Coktum     

Udemy - S?f?rdan ?leri Seviye Vue.JS E?itimi ve Uygulama Geli?tirme
Udemy - Sifirdan Ileri Seviye Vue.JS Egitimi ve Uygulama Gelistirme

Nereye bakarsan?z bak?n (Google Trendleri, Github ‘da Star, Tweet say?s?…) VueJS javascript Framework d?nyas?nda y?kselen bir de?er. VueJS inan?lmaz bir Framework!!

user Coktum     


Orangel - Product Instagram Post Pack HR


Orangel - Product Instagram Post Pack HR

Welcome to Rometheme std! We produce high-quality professional templates that are unique in creativity. We specialize in designing modern, useful and professional Instagram templates. Our templates will serve you to present events, parties, products, and everything you need in promotions for both personal and business. The template can be easily customized to your liking and includes all necessary files for a quick set-up. Delete or add anything you desire in the document, (change font, colors, headlines, sections, icon colors, etc.). You can also move sections and duplicate anything in the template!or simply keep the original design.

user Anxiety     

X Second Powerpoint, Keynote and Google Slides Templates


X Second Powerpoint, Keynote and Google Slides Templates

Presentation is the most important thing in the business world, don't let what will you want to explain is not understood by audience. That's why , our presentation template are meant to leveling up your presentation to be more interesting, professional, and easy to understand. We have a lot of theme of each of business type, like creative for creative theme design, professional theme for usual business but more better, and high professional for simple, neat, and clean design theme. So start browse our product and choose anything for what you want !


user Anxiety     


Mini Mood Board: Collage 1


Mini Mood Board: Collage 1

Create a dynamic Mood Board with this fully editable, high resolution Mood Board Mockup Showcase your imagery using this Mini Mood Board Collage. This high resolution .psd scene is organized and labeled with easy-to-edit smart objects.

user Anxiety     

iPhone 11 Pro Max Mockup


iPhone 11 Pro Max Mockup

Presenting Brand New iPhone 11 Pro Max Mockup! The mockup is super high resolutions, very easy to customize and it comes with multiple variations and angles.


user Anxiety     

Kulo Powerpoint, Keynote and Google Slides Templates


Kulo Powerpoint, Keynote and Google Slides Templates

Kulo - Presentation Template is a Minimalist, Creative, Unique presentation template for commercial enterprise or personal use, creative industry, business and many more. If you're looking for unique,different design with profesional presentation get this presentation now!


user Anxiety     

Udemy - S?f?rdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development
Udemy - Sifirdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development

Bu kurs ile ??renmesi olduk?a kolay olan Dart dilini en detayl? ?ekilde ??renip, Google'?n geli?tiricilere ?cretsiz olarak sundu?u mobil uygulamala geli?tirme SDk's? olan Flutter'? t?m ayr?nt?lar?yla ??reneceksiniz.

user Coktum     

Udemy - Komple Modern JavaScript Kursu - ES6+ (2019)
Udemy - Komple Modern JavaScript Kursu - ES6+ (2019)

Sizleri Javascript ekosistemine sa?lam bir ?ekilde dahil edecek ve i?in arkaplan?n? kavratacak yepyeni ve Modern Teknikler bar?nd?ran (ES6+) Modern Javascript Kursuna ho?geldiniz.

user Coktum     

Categories: Fonts

Dead Inside Font


Dead Inside Font

Dead Inside is a playful and simple handwritten font that perfectly resembles a kid’s handwriting. On top of it, it features a fun set of icons!

user Anxiety     

Categories: Fonts

Hugbirds Font


Hugbirds Font

Hugbirds is a classic handwritten brush font that will add an artistic and authentic vibe to any design project!

user Anxiety     

Skellington Hollow Font


Skellington Hollow Font

Skellington Hollow is a spooky and creepy display font that celebrates all things Halloween! Use it to elevate any Horror or Ghost project.


user Anxiety     

Udemy - Python : S?f?rdan ?leri Seviyeye - Etik Hacker ?rnekleriyle
Udemy - Python : Sifirdan Ileri Seviyeye - Etik Hacker Ornekleriyle

Python Kursu'na Ho?geldiniz!

user Coktum     

Udemy - Python ile Yapay Zeka: A'dan Z'ye Reinforcement Learning (7)
Udemy - Python ile Yapay Zeka: A'dan Z'ye Reinforcement Learning (7)

Merhaba arkada?lar,

user Coktum     

Udemy - Python A-Z™: Veri Bilimi ve Machine Learning (2019)
Udemy - Python A-Z™: Veri Bilimi ve Machine Learning (2019)

G?n?m?z?n en s?k kullan?lan programlama dillerinden Python programlama dilini s?f?rdan ileri seviyeye "neyi", "neden" yapt???n?z? anlayarak ??reneceksiniz. 

user Coktum     
