CM 459292 - Painted Canvas Brushes


CM 459292 - Painted Canvas Brushes

The Artifex Forge presents one of it's most realistic add-ons to date: 67 Painted Canvas Brushes. They were sourced from real painted canvas strokes which gives them a look that's looks so natural that it's hard to believe you can't feel the texture. Use it to create digital art or to give your designs an eye-catching edge. UPDATE! a version of the brushes with pressure sensitivity enabled is now included - perfect for those who use graphics tablets (Please note that this feature only works in Illustrator CS5+). The pack contains all of these fantastic components:

- The Brushes

   • 22 standard painted canvas brushes.

   • 8 angled painted canvas brushes.

   • 10 narrow painted canvas brushes.

   • 19 messy painted canvas brushes.

   • 8 light painted canvas brushes.

- A quick reference guide. This will help you find the right brushes for the task in hand quickly.

- Example files. The poppy and page 2 preview images: Use these to see how I achieved the look. Please note: this guide is compatible with Illustrator CS5, CS6 and CC only.

- Instructions. A very thorough guide on how to load, apply and then adjust the brushes is supplied.

CM 459292 - Painted Canvas Brushes

P A S S W O R D : PCB3874652735690GFXTRA
