Pixel Film Studios ProSpotlight

Pixel Film Studios ProSpotlight

Pixel Film Studios introduces ProSpotlight, an intuitive set of auto-tracking light beam tools for Final Cut Pro X. Enhance footage by adding beams of light, subtle light leaks and flickering light sources to any media. Customize your spotlight to fit the needs of your scene and easily offset the position and size using dynamic on-screen controls. Pixel Film Studios makes editing easy with ProSpotlight for Final Cut Pro X

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Extremely Versatile

ProSpotlight can be used for a variety of purposes. Apply beams of light to moving vehicles, flashlights and stage lights. Adjust the falloff and animate the light beam to add a beautiful light leak to any scene. Add flickering effects to light sources to blink the light and underlying media using simple sliders.


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Customizable Lighting

To begin using ProSpotlight, first select a beam type from 3 completely customizable presets. Users can adjust the beam size, intensity, colors, falloff, and many more controls. Create thin, intense beams of light, or wide cones of light with lots of falloff. The possibilities are endless using ProSpotlight.


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Updated Motion Tracking

ProSpotlight features the updated Track Editor 2’s built-in motion tracking so that users can easily apply the movement of a subject to the light tool. You can track the position of the light source, the light’s end point, or both at the same time. Then, just check a box to have one point follow the other. ProSpotlight is the ultimate light tool thanks to built-in motion tracking.


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Designed for Final Cut Pro X

ProSpotlight also includes an animation section where users can apply animations that rotate the light beam in an arc from the source. Users can adjust the rotation on the X, Y or Z axis and adjust the speed for each animation individually. Light up the stage with amazing spinning light effects, or use them on a lighthouse or watch tower to create interesting scenes in Final Cut Pro X.


Pixel Film Studios ProSpotlight

