HTML5 and CSS3 Learn HTML and CSS from Experts

English | 2022 | ASIN: B0BNNB61JC | 492 pages | EPUB, PDF | 8.47 Mb


Learn HTML5 and CSS3 from Experts

The book is aimed at web developers and designers who want to learn HTML5 and CSS3.

It is for bners in web development and web design.

It is a complete reference book for those who want to learn HTML and CSS codes for front-end web development.

For individuals who want to build websites or learn web design.

What will you learn?

In the first part of the book, you will learn the following

HTML document structure and HTML elements such as headings, paragraphs, hyperlinks, images, lists, tables, iframes, etc.

HTML entities, Data URIs

HTML formatting elements and the style attribute

Semantic HTML elements

Block elements, inline elements, and inline-block elements

Web forms, including form elements and form validation

HTML muldia: audio and video

HTML graphics: SVG and canvas

HTML events: window events, form events, keyboard events, mouse events, and clipboard events

HTML advanced APIs: drag and drop, geolocation, web storage, web workers.

In the second part of the book, you will learn the following

Basic CSS: syntax, comments, and units (absolute and relative lengths).

Introduce three types of CSS: Inline CSS, Internal CSS, and External CSS.

CSS selectors: Universal selector, Type selector, ID selector, Class selector, Multiple-class selector, Pseudo-class selector, Pseudo-element, Combined selector, Attribute selector, and selector grouping.

CSS cascading rules and inheritance in CSS.

CSS box model: box-sizing types, mas, outline, borders, padding, width, and height.

CSS colors: color names, HEX colors, RGB colors, and grey colors.

CSS text: text rendering, text spacing, text position, CSS fonts.

CSS backgrounds: background properties, gradient backgrounds, and CSS sprites.

CSS display: display vs. visibility, object-fit, cursor, overflow, opacity, shadows, multiple columns, table styling, list styling, and CSS transforms.

CSS layout: position, float, z-index, flexbox, grid, and CSS alignment.

CSS transitions and animations.

Advanced web design CSS: CSS variables, calculation, and CSS counters.

Responsive CSS: responsive web design (RWD), RWD viewport, CSS media, RWD grid view, and Mobile-first vs. Desktop-first.

Table of Contents

Setting Up a Development Environment

Part I: HTML5

Chapter 01. Getting to Know HTML

Chapter 02. HTML Elements

Chapter 03. HTML Styles

Chapter 04. Semantic HTML

Chapter 05. Web Forms

Chapter 06. HTML Muldia

Chapter 07. HTML Graphics

Chapter 08. HTML Advanced

Chapter 09. HTML Events

Chapter 10. HTML APIs

Part II: CSS3

Chapter 11. Getting to Know CSS

Chapter 12. CSS Selectors

Chapter 13. CSS Cascading

Chapter 14. CSS Box Model

Chapter 15. CSS Colors

Chapter 16. CSS Text

Chapter 17. CSS Backgrounds

Chapter 18. CSS Display

Chapter 19. CSS Layout

Chapter 20. CSS Transitions and Animations

Chapter 21. Advanced CSS

Chapter 22. Responsive CSS

Teach yourself HTML5 and CSS3 by reading this book.

Buy and read this book to develop yourself, and build your career.


HTML5 and CSS3 Learn HTML and CSS from Experts



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