CM 727745 - Postcard Shop for Adobe Photoshop


CM 727745 - Postcard Shop for Adobe Photoshop

Postcard Shop is an unique kit for Adobe Photoshop. With Postcard Shop you can make posters and postcards with painted look in seconds!?? You have choice of 17 superb painted effects, that turns your photo into painting in seconds. Just place your photo into smart object and save. You have everything under control, so making little adjustments is really easy!??**Have you ever wanted to make nice hand-painted typography, but you hadn’t known how? ??With 12 Painted Type effects included you will make typography that rocks! It so easy: just choose one of the 12 text layer effects, in smart object place your text and choose one of the graphic style and save it! In seconds you will get astonishing Typo effect for your poster or postcard!?? Postcard Shop contains:

• PSD file system divided into 3 single PSD /each contains Painted Type Effects/

• You can choose from Portrait 3000x4500 px, Landscape 4500x3000 and Square 2000x2000 All files are 300 DPI

• 17 layer effects that turn your photo into painting with

• 12 text layer effects to add painted look into your typography

• 12 pre-made graphic styles with easy customizable colors

• PDF Guide with tips how to use it

• 16 BONUS textures

CM 727745 - Postcard Shop for Adobe Photoshop

P A S S W O R D : PSFAP384756827583GFXTRA
