200+ Photoshop Actions for Portrait Photos
200+ Photoshop Actions for Portrait Photos
200+ Photoshop Actions for Portrait Photos
Photoshop ATN | 10 ATN | ZXP | 2 PSD | CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 and CC | Mac/PC | RAW/JPEG | Fully Adjustable Settings | 10 MB

200+ Photoshop Actions for Portrait Photos/

Supported File Formats:
----- RAW format
----- Digital Negative format (DNG)
----- TIFF Format
----- JPEG format

+5 SKIN Retouching Actions:
--- Mattifier
--- Skin Airbrushing
--- Brighten Eyes
--- Redness Reducer
--- Clipping Free Contrast

200+ Photoshop Actions for Portrait Photos

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