CM - Bundle: Digital Painting Lab 2227522
You will find many actions that are somewhat similar to mine in other stores, but I can assure you that none of them will get you results as realistic and beautiful as my products will. My products might seem pricey, but you you will not regret the investment. This bundle is great for those who have clients wanting such artistic effects to be applied on their photos.
You can even mix the effects/actions. Play one of the actions and when you're happy with the result, merge all the layers and go to Layer New Background from layer, then choose another action and hit play hit play. The Watercolor Actions work beautifully after you've played any of the other 4 actions, it gives your subjects or landscapes, even a more realistic result, I particularly like to use the "Lovely Oil Painting Effect" first and then the "Lovely Watecolor Effect".
  1. Lovely Watercolor Effect (Photoshop Actions)
  2. Digital Painting Effect Pro (Photoshop Actions)
  3. Lovely Oil Painting Effect (Photoshop Actions)
  4. Ultimate Painting Effect (Photoshop Actions)
  5. Realistic Painting Effect (Photoshop Actions)

CM - Bundle: Digital Painting Lab 2227522

CM - Bundle: Digital Painting Lab 2227522
CM - Bundle: Digital Painting Lab 2227522
CM - Bundle: Digital Painting Lab 2227522
CM - Bundle: Digital Painting Lab 2227522
CM - Bundle: Digital Painting Lab 2227522
CM - Bundle: Digital Painting Lab 2227522
CM - Bundle: Digital Painting Lab 2227522



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