Z High-End Signature Presets + Profiles

Z High-End Signature Presets + Profiles


You can adjust the profiles lighter or stronger with the "Amount" slider!
This video shows you how to install Presets & Custom Profiles in the newest version of Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Lightroom CC, and Adobe Camera Raw.
I’m a big believer in working more efficiently AND developing my images in somewhat of a consistent way. Unfortunately, this usually meant I was creating different “strengths” of presets and if I ever wanted to tweak certain values, I would end up creating an endless variety of saved presets. What I really wanted was a starting point - like a film stock or a color grade to point me in the right direction saving me time and getting me closer to my desired result.
In the last couple of years, Adobe has implemented a better way to do this: by expanding how we use profiles. They’ve been in Lightroom and Camera Raw for a while now, but beyond embedded camera styles, there wasn’t much flexibility. Now there is. We have the ability to stretch out the possible dynamic range and toning, mapping custom colors and luts to the image before we even tweak a develop slider.


Z High-End Signature Presets + Profiles

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