CM - Magical MATTE Lightroom Presets 2082600


TWO of my favorite Lightroom preset bundles combined in ONE BIG Magical MATTE Travel, Food and Lifestyle Lightroom Preset Bundle with 42 Lightroom presets.
The MATTE + MOODY + VIBRANT Food & Instagram collection features 24 Lightroom presets to add a magical but cozy touch to food, lifestyle and travel photography as well as a vivid and dreamy tone to your photos . The toning and colors of these presets are usually quite warm to add some magic, though some presets also emphasise a beautiful pale and cool mood.
The MATTE + MOODY + VIBRANT Food & Instagram These Lightroom presets work best for food and still-life photography but also for outdoor and travel photography. The presets work best on slightly underexposed photos, though I have always included a dark and bright version for each preset.
The MATTE & GLOW Travel & Lifestyle Photography Lightroom presets work best for travel, lifestyle and outdoor photography but can also be used for interior, hotel and restaurant photography. The presets work best on slightly underexposed photos though the exposure can be adjusted manually after applying the presets.
  • The MATTE + MOODY + VIBRANT Food & Instagram Photography Collection includes 24 Lightroom presets, 10 original presets and 14 preset variations plus a dark and bright version for each preset to play around with and to match preferred colors, contrasts and light scenarios.
  • MATTE & GLOW Travel & Lifestyle Photography18 Lightroom presets, 10 original presets and 8 preset variations to play around with and to match preferred colors, contrasts and light scenarios.
  • A short tutorial on how to install presets in Lightroom
  • A short tutorial on how to install presets in Lightroom
MATTE & MOODY Food Photography collection:
10 original Lightroom presets
  • Matte Cool Pale
  • Matte Moody Cool & Warm
  • Matte Soft Yellow & Green
  • Matte Warm Orange Colors
  • Matte Warm Cream
  • Matte Blue & Color
  • Matte Soft Pale
  • Extra Matte Warm
  • Matte Yellow Glow
  • Matte Bright Cool & Warm
14 Lightroom preset variations
  • Matte Cool Pale Variation 1 (green highlights)
  • Matte Moody Cool & Warm Variation 1 (no vignette, strong highlights)
  • Matte Moody Cool & Warm Variation 2 (no vignette, stronger blacks)
  • Matte Soft Yellow & Green Variation 1 (no vignette, bright)
  • Matte Soft Yellow & Green Variation 2 (greener highlights)
  • Matte Warm Orange Colors Variation 1 (green highlights)
  • Matte Warm Orange Colors Variation 2 (blue highlights)
  • Matte Blue & Color Variation 1 (blue highlights, neutral shadows)
  • Matte Blue & Color Variation 2 (dark exposure, more matte)
  • Matte Warm Cream Variation 1 (more matte, stronger black & whites)
  • Matte Warm Cream Variation 2 (warm shadows)
  • Matte Soft Pale Variation 1 (exposure, black, white & saturation)
  • Matte Soft Pale Variation 2 (warm shadows & highlights)
  • Extra Matte Warm Variation 1 (azure shadows, pink highlights)
MATTE & GLOW Travel & Lifestyle Photography collection:
10 original Lightroom presets
  • Azure Vibes | Adds matte layer, works well with blue and/or green elements in the photo.
  • Bright Night | Adds matte layer, works best for night light photography.
  • Bright Shades | Adds matte layer, works best for scenes shot in dark shades.
  • Make it Sunny | Adds matte layer, works well in darker/cloudy/rainy scenery to add some sunny glow.
  • Direct Sunlight | Adds matte layer, works best for photos taken in direct sunlight to decrease harsh lightening.
  • Tropical Sea | Adds matte layer, works best for photos of the sea, shot during the day.
  • Cloudy Day | Adds matte layer, works best for photos on a cloudy and dark day to warm up the scenery.
  • Glaring Sun | Adds matte layer, works well with photos of bright, slightly overexposed scenery like those photos shot during midday.
  • Warm Sunset | Adds matte layer, works best for sunset photos.
  • Sunrise | Adds matte layer, works best for sunrise photos.
8 Lightroom preset variations
  • Azure Vibes Variation 1 | Additionally, emphasizes on warm green hues.
  • Azure Vibes Variation 2 | Additionally, emphasises on warm blue hues.
  • Bright Night Variation 1 | Additionally, adds extra warm glow.
  • Bright Shades Variation 1 | Additionally, reduces warm toning and increases blue hues.
  • Make it Sunny Variation 1 | Additionally, reduces orange toning & increases exposure.
  • Tropical Sea Variation 1 | Additionally, adds blue hues.
  • Tropical Sea Variation 1 | Additionally, adds dark aqua hues.
  • Glaring Sun Variation 1 | Additionally, adds colder colors.

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