CM - COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385

CM - COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385

  • COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit for Photoshop Pre-rendered 3D characters with adjustable lights to create amazing sci-fi/tech typography. Perfect for event posters, movie titles, album/book covers, software packaging or editorial headlines.


Key, Fill and Bottom lights are easy to adjust separately.


Set light colors directly, realtime feedback.

Control shadows and highlights for each light.

Switch off lights to achieve different looks with only one or two lights.

Change overall tone with the Ambient color layer.


Character set in 3 versions: lights, reflections, z-depth.


Edit three individual lights.

Add extra magic and richness with colored reflections.

Apply realistically distorted textures with displacement maps created from z-depth images.


Allcaps characters are around 1200px wide and 1400px high.

At 300 dpi that's 10x12cm or 4x4,5inch.




Start with a template - or import full character set as one PSD (File, Place Linked...)

Use a photoshop script to create your text automatically - or select characters using the dropdown in the properties panel (inner layer comps) and duplicate layers to create your text.

Manually reposition characters if needed

Use another photoshop script to create a layered, light-editable version.

Change light colors directly by double clicking Solid Color adjustment layers and change light intensity with preapplied Levels adjustments.



Smallcaps: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Numbers: 0123456789

Extras: !?/,.—#&$€+:'



Based on Montserrat, a popular free sans serif font. Great as a matching font, or to plan the layout of your words. Download from here




2 Starter PSDs (Montserrat guide font layer and Character Set placed, ready to create)

3 Character Set PSD (RGB lights, reflections, displacement maps) in 2 size (Large at 300dpi, Medium at 72dpi)

2 Photoshop scripts (JSX) to help with building words, and to convert words to compl3x layers.

Every character as separate files (225 transparent PNGs)

2 Example PSD files (Simple light setup and Reflections/Texture setup)

The uploaded images in better quality PNG


If you want to try this before investing that much, I made a small kit for you, called DEFORM which is also usable as it is. You can write around 170 words with these 6 letters





CM - COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385


CM - COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385


CM - COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385


CM - COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385


CM - COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385


CM - COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385


CM - COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385



This product is using two custom Photoshop scripts developed for this product to automate some of the processes.




It builds the text out of one smart object. It opens a dialog, asking for the text you want to work with. Then it duplicates the smart object containing all the characters as layer comps, positions the characters side by side (without kerning), and sets the layer comps to match the word.



It converts the RGB channels of a group, to a special set of layers (solid color layers, blending modes, masks), so the original RGB colors can be easily changed to any color and be used as virtual lights. e.g. you can turn on/off with the shadows, change intensity, add texture.

There are 3 ways you can use these scripts in Photoshop.



You can browse the scripts from Photoshop.

Photoshop - File - Scripts - Browse

It's a slow workflow, so I don't recommend it if you want to experiment a lot.



If the .jsx file extension is associated with photoshop, the much quicker way if just double-click the script file in windows explorer/finder.



If you plan to use it a lot, you might want to install the scripts, so they show up in Photoshop under file-scripts menu. Just copy the two .jsx file from the scripts folder to Photoshop's Scripts folder which you can find in different locations based on what operating system, or what version of Photoshop you're using, but at the time of this writing, for the newest versions, you can find them here:

Windows 10 C:Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CC 2017/Presets/Scripts

Mac Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC 2017/Presets/Scripts

It doesn't matter where you put the scripts. You can create a folder named Compl3x if you want. (eg:.../Presets/Scripts/Compl3x). After installing restart Photoshop, and you can now run the scripts by navigating to

Photoshop - File - Scripts - COMPL3X - Create Text (Select COMPL3X Smart Object)


Photoshop - File - Scripts - COMPL3X - RGB Group to Layers


The 3rd option is my recommendation because you will experiment a lot and it's still easy to set up. You can delete those scripts later if you feel it's cluttering your Photoshop script menu.


Please note: This is NOT a font or a vector file, but images of separated and movable letters with a transparent background.


CM - COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385


RAR PASS: COMPL3X_b_y_lenya

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