G-8 and His Battle Aces #58 July 1938 Fa - Robert J.Hogan
Epub | Pdf
The skies are red with the blood of men who have a right to live, and G-8 flies to his last appointment with Death! This is the will of the Serpent, and there is hell and misery locked in the magic of his eyes. You’ll know about this when you’ve felt the bloody Fangs of the Serpent! G-8 and his Battle Aces rode the nostalgia boom ten years after World War I ended. These high-flying exploits were tall tales of a World War that might have been, featuring monster bats, German zombies, wolf-men, harpies, Martians, and even tentacled floating monsters. Most of these monstrosities were the work of Germany’s seemingly endless supply of mad scientists, chief of whom was G-8’s recurring Nemesis, Herr Doktor Krueger.