G-8 and His Battle Aces #74 November 193 - Robert J.Hogan
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“You can’t escape the Death that awaits you —!” And in the still of the night, in the hangar at Le Bourget, Death creeps slowly, steadily along — then strikes! Read if you dare, the Master Spy’s answer to the Red Fangs Of The Sky Emperor! G-8 and his Battle Aces rode the nostalgia boom ten years after World War I ended. These high-flying exploits were tall tales of a World War that might have been, featuring monster bats, German zombies, wolf-men, harpies, Martians, and even tentacled floating monsters. Most of these monstrosities were the work of Germany’s seemingly endless supply of mad scientists, chief of whom was G-8’s recurring Nemesis, Herr Doktor Krueger.