Oreilly - WPF 4.5 Programming LiveLessons (Video Training) - 9780133886337
Oreilly - WPF 4.5 Programming LiveLessons (Video Training)
by | Released June 2014 | ISBN: 0133886336

4½ Hours of Video InstructionIn WPF 4.5 Programming LiveLessons, Jason Rainwater shows how to create rich, next-generation applications with WPF using Visual Studio 2013. Master panels, content and item controls, code behind, binding, resources, styles, templates, behaviors, animations, custom controls, localization, navigation, MVVM, and more! New features on 4.5 are covered, including binding to static properties, automatically updating the source of a data binding via delay, and enabling smooth scrolling with ScrollUnit on VirtualizingStackPanel.About the AuthorJason Rainwateris a senior consultant with Veracity Solutions. His specialties include in-depth knowledge of WPF, Silverlight, and XAML; he has designed and built enterprise scalable WPF and Silverlight smart client applications utilizing MVVM, Prism, and many more patterns and frameworks.Skill LevelBeginner to intermediateLearn how toCreate a WPF application starting from the very first project creationUnderstand the basic controlsStyle controlsUse BindingWrite custom controlsUse advanced XAML techniques such as BehaviorsUnderstand advanced concepts such as localization, navigation, and MVVMWho Should Take This CourseDevelopers looking for a practical introduction to WPF for creating desktop business applicationsCourse RequirementsFamiliar with C# programmingExperience using Visual StudioTable of ContentsIntroductionWPF OverviewLesson 1: Introduction to WPFTopics1.1 What is WPF?1.2 What is XAML?1.3 The Application ClassPart 1: ControlsLesson 2: LayoutTopics2.1 Basic Layout2.2 Advanced LayoutLesson 3: PanelsTopics3.1 What are Panels?3.2 Grid3.3 StackPanel3.4 DockPanel3.5 WrapPanel3.6 CanvasLesson 4: ContentControlsTopics4.1 ContentControl Basics4.2 TextBox4.3 ButtonLesson 5: ItemsControlTopics5.1 ItemsControl Basics5.2 ListBox5.3 ComboBox5.4 DataGrid5.5 Scrolling and VirtualizationLesson 6: Controls in Code BehindTopics6.1 Build a Screen in Code Behind6.2 The Visual TreePart 2: Data BindingLesson 7: How Data Binding WorksTopics7.1 What are Dependency Properties?7.2 Dependency Properties in Code7.3 Attached Properties in Code and XAML7.4 DataContextLesson 8: The Basics of Data BindingTopics8.1 Notifications8.2 Path8.3 Mode8.4 Converters8.5 Converter Parameters8.6 MultiBindingLesson 9: Advanced Data BindingTopics9.1 Sources9.2 UpdateSourceTrigger and Delay9.3 Validation9.4 Bindings in Code9.5 Binding to Static PropertiesPart 3: Resources, Styles and TemplatesLesson 10: ResourcesTopics10.1 ResourceDictionary10.2 StaticResource10.3 DynamicResource10.4 Where and How Resources Are ResolvedLesson 11: StylesTopics11.1 What Styles Are and How They Work11.2 How Styles Are Set11.3 Style Inheritance (BasedOn)Lesson 12: Control TemplatesTopics12.1 What Control Templates Are and How They Work12.2 TemplateBinding12.3 Triggers12.4 VisualStateManager12.5 ItemsControl's Template12.6 TextBox Special Case12.7 How to Set TemplatesLesson 13: Data TemplatesTopics13.1 What Data Templates Are and How They Work13.2 Triggers13.3 How to Set Data TemplatesPart 4: Custom Controls, Behaviors, and AnimationsLesson 14: Custom ControlsTopics14.1 Create a Custom Control14.2 Build a Simple Control14.3 Build an Advanced ControlLesson 15: InteractionsTopics15.1 Behaviors15.2 TargetedTriggerActions15.3 A More Advanced Behavior15.4 Attached Property BehaviorsLesson 16: AnimationsTopics16.1 Animation Basics16.2 Advanced AnimationsPart 5: Localization, Navigation, and MVVMLesson 17: Localization and NavigationTopics17.1 Adding Localization to XAML17.2 Basic NavigationLesson 18: MVVM BasicsTopics18.1 What is MVVM?18.2 MVVM in ActionSummaryAbout LiveLessons Video TrainingThe LiveLessons Video Training series publishes hundreds of hands-on, expert-led video tutorials covering a wide selection of technology topics designed to teach you the skills you need to succeed. This professional and personal technology video series features world-leading author instructors published by your trusted technology brands: Addison-Wesley, Cisco Press, IBM Press, Pearson IT Certification, Prentice Hall, Sams, and Que. Topics include: IT Certification, Programming, Web Development, Mobile Development, Home and Office Technologies, Business and Management, and more. View all LiveLessons on InformIT at: http://www.informit.com/livelessons Show and hide more
  1. Introduction
    • WPF 4.5 Programming LiveLessons: Introduction 00:02:48
  2. WPF Overview
    • WPF Overview 00:00:06
  3. Lesson 1: Introduction to WPF
    • Topics 00:00:23
    • 1.1 What is WPF? 00:01:00
    • 1.2 What is XAML? 00:06:20
    • 1.3 The Application Class 00:04:47
  4. Part 1: Controls
    • Controls 00:00:06
  5. Lesson 2: Layout
    • Topics 00:00:22
    • 2.1 Basic Layout 00:04:45
    • 2.2 Advanced Layout 00:03:40
  6. Lesson 3: Panels
    • Topics 00:00:21
    • 3.1 What are Panels? 00:01:33
    • 3.2 Grid 00:04:04
    • 3.3 StackPanel 00:01:37
    • 3.4 DockPanel 00:02:12
    • 3.5 WrapPanel 00:01:29
    • 3.6 Canvas 00:01:11
  7. Lesson 4: ContentControls
    • Topics 00:00:22
    • 4.1 ContentControl Basics 00:03:55
    • 4.2 TextBox 00:06:31
    • 4.3 Button 00:04:42
  8. Lesson 5: ItemsControl
    • Topics 00:00:28
    • 5.1 ItemsControl Basics 00:04:33
    • 5.2 ListBox 00:08:27
    • 5.3 ComboBox 00:01:51
    • 5.4 DataGrid 00:04:40
    • 5.5 Scrolling and Virtualization 00:03:03
  9. Lesson 6: Controls in Code Behind
    • Topics 00:00:22
    • 6.1 Build a Screen in Code Behind 00:02:52
    • 6.2 The Visual Tree 00:03:36
  10. Part 2: Data Binding
    • Data Binding 00:00:06
  11. Lesson 7: How Data Binding Works
    • Topics 00:00:32
    • 7.1 What are Dependency Properties? 00:01:56
    • 7.2 Dependency Properties in Code 00:07:16
    • 7.3 Attached Properties in Code and XAML 00:05:09
    • 7.4 DataContext 00:04:10
  12. Lesson 8: The Basics of Data Binding
    • Topics 00:00:25
    • 8.1 Notifications 00:07:18
    • 8.2 Path 00:02:22
    • 8.3 Mode 00:02:29
    • 8.4 Converters 00:03:44
    • 8.5 Converter Parameters 00:01:24
    • 8.6 MultiBinding 00:02:59
  13. Lesson 9: Advanced Data Binding
    • Topics 00:00:28
    • 9.1 Sources 00:03:58
    • 9.2 UpdateSourceTrigger and Delay 00:03:07
    • 9.3 Validation 00:03:03
    • 9.4 Bindings in Code 00:03:58
    • 9.5 Binding to Static Properties 00:03:47
  14. Part 3: Resources, Styles and Templates
    • Resources, Styles and Templates 00:00:06
  15. Lesson 10: Resources
    • Topics 00:00:23
    • 10.1 ResourceDictionary 00:06:03
    • 10.2 StaticResource 00:01:03
    • 10.3 DynamicResource 00:02:54
    • 10.4 Where and How Resources Are Resolved 00:03:53
  16. Lesson 11: Styles
    • Topics 00:00:27
    • 11.1 What Styles Are and How They Work 00:03:35
    • 11.2 How Styles Are Set 00:04:01
    • 11.3 Style Inheritance (BasedOn) 00:01:59
  17. Lesson 12: Control Templates
    • Topics 00:00:28
    • 12.1 What Control Templates Are and How They Work 00:04:23
    • 12.2 TemplateBinding 00:03:32
    • 12.3 Triggers 00:02:28
    • 12.4 VisualStateManager 00:03:43
    • 12.5 ItemsControl's Template 00:02:40
    • 12.6 TextBox Special Case 00:03:12
    • 12.7 How to Set Templates 00:03:14
  18. Lesson 13: Data Templates
    • Topics 00:00:27
    • 13.1 What Data Templates Are and How They Work 00:03:26
    • 13.2 Triggers 00:02:27
    • 13.3 How to Set Data Templates 00:02:47
  19. Part 4: Custom Controls, Interactions and Animations
    • Custom Controls, Interactions and Animations 00:00:06
  20. Lesson 14: Custom Controls
    • Topics 00:00:28
    • 14.1 Create a Custom Control 00:04:54
    • 14.2 Build a Simple Control 00:06:17
    • 14.3 Build an Advanced Control 00:06:17
  21. Lesson 15: Interactions
    • Topics 00:00:31
    • 15.1 Behaviors 00:03:16
    • 15.2 TargetedTriggerActions 00:02:03
    • 15.3 A More Advanced Behavior 00:02:13
    • 15.4 Attached Property Behaviors 00:03:19
  22. Lesson 16: Animations
    • Topics 00:00:19
    • 16.1 Animation Basics 00:10:13
  23. Part 5: Localization, Navigation and MVVM
    • Localization, Navigation and MVVM 00:00:06
  24. Lesson 17: Localization and Navigation
    • Topics 00:00:26
    • 17.1 Adding Localization to XAML 00:10:16
    • 17.2 Basic Navigation 00:04:48
  25. Lesson 18: MVVM Basics
    • Topics 00:00:23
    • 18.1 What is MVVM? 00:02:01
    • 18.2 MVVM in Action 00:10:36
  26. Summary
    • WPF 4.5 Programming LiveLessons: Summary 00:01:14
  27. Show and hide more

    Oreilly - WPF 4.5 Programming LiveLessons (Video Training)



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