Oreilly - Mark Bates on Go Database Frameworks and Tools
by | Released August 2015 | ISBN: 9781491938287
Open source Go, the highly scalable programming language developed at Google, is the emerging language of the Cloud. It's used in software systems where "scale big and run fast" is the daily mantra. Go practitioners are true DIY geeks, the guys and gals who make large scale software systems work and who, in their spare time (if they have any) watch baseball and know how to make beer.Mark Bates on Go Database Frameworks and Tools is the second video in a series of programs that show you how to program using Go. In this video, Go expert Mark Bates takes you on a practical journey through several critical sections of Go functionality: Working with SQL, SQL Nulls, Radix, CSV and Bolt.Bates, the founder and chief architect of Meta42 Labs in Boston, is a seasoned developer with the scars to prove it. His quest to learn Go, use Go, and teach Go aligns with that mission.Connect to SQL databases from a Go application, using the built-in database/SQL packageMap results to structs using the 3rd party SQLX packageLearn how to handle null database valuesWrite custom types to handle null values and properly encode/decode them to and from JSONTalk to Redis using RadixSubscribe to Redis messages using Radix pubsubRead and write CSV files using the encoding/CSV packageDiscover Bolt, the embeddable key/value store in Go applicationsUse Bolt to iterate over keys and store complex data structuresPractice techniques for fine grain control over opening and closing transactionsMark Bates has written web applications since 1996; he now spends his days focusing on new application development and consulting for his clients. Show and hide more Publisher resources View/Submit Errata
- SQL and Go 00:26:11
- SQL Nulls 00:15:18
- Radix 00:16:05
- CSV 00:13:54
- Bolt Part 1 00:10:47
- Bolt Part 2 00:13:00
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