Udemy - [2020] Python tutorial from Zero to Hero: + Machine Learning
Udemy - [2020] Python tutorial from Zero to Hero: + Machine Learning

Will this course give you core python skills?
Yes, it will. There is a range of exciting opportunities for Python developers. All of them require a solid understanding of Python, and that’s what you will learn in this course.


Q&AWill this course give you core python skills?Yes, it will. There is a range of exciting opportunities for Python developers. All of them require a solid understanding of Python, and that’s what you will learn in this course.

Will the course teach me data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence?Yes, of course!

Why should you take this course?Basically, because course offer on-demand skills and give you a wide range of opportunities.

Is any practice?

a ton of practice.

What if I have questions?

Feel free to ask me! I will satisfy your every question.

You literally can’t lose.

Who this course is for:
  • Beginner Programmers
  • Data Science students
  • Python developers
  • students curious about Machine Learning

Course content

  • Course Introduction
    • Course Introduction
  • Setting up an Python environment
    • Installing PyCharm, Creating a new Python project
  • funny Python basics
    • Variables, If elif else, for, while loop, comments in Python
  • Numpy + Pandas foundation for Data Science
    • NumPy basics for beginners
    • Share Jupyter Notebook files with others
    • Matplotlib tutorial, Plot types,random distributions using numpy HomeWork review
    • Python MatplotLib plt crash course, Line, Scatter, Bar Chart, PieChart,Histogram
    • Read, write files using Python, open r, w, a
    • Random data distrubtions with numpy,normal,gaussian,uniform,exponential,binomial
    • Pandas for beginners, read csv, dataframes, import pandas as pd, df
    • Dictionary to the dataframe, pandas, zipping lists, headers, head, tail
    • Regular Expressions Python, regex 101 -w, -d [a-zA-Z0-9]
    • Pandas, read_csv, Drop column-row from DataFrame, extract column, Broadcasting
    • Advanced Pandas, DataFrame to Numpy Array, Series, create CSV, TSV, Excel
  • [PROJECT] Apple stock price visualisation Python
    • Visualising Apple Stock data using Pandas, Numpy, MatplotLib part 1
    • Visualising Apple Stock data using Pandas, Numpy, MatplotLib part 2

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