108 RGB Transitions - 13643315108 RGB Transitions - 13643315108 RGB Transitions - 13643315108 RGB Transitions - 13643315108 RGB Transitions - 13643315108 RGB Transitions - 13643315
MotionElements - 108 RGB Transitions - 13643315
Required Version: CC 2018.1 and above | Required Plugins: No | Resolution: 1920x1080

108 RGB Transitions - 13643315108 RGB Transitions - 13643315108 RGB Transitions - 13643315108 RGB Transitions - 13643315

Code: 13643315
Required Version: CC 2018.1 and above
Required Plugins: No
Expression Script: No
Resolution: 1920x1080
File Size: 37.9 MB
License: Royalty-Free
Music: Not Included
Sound Effects: Included

108 RGB Transitions is powerful and modern Premiere Pro Template. There are 10 types of transitions, 6 directions (right, left, down, up, clockwise, counterclockwise) and 3 types of duration for each transition (long, medium, short). You can use video or images. Perfect for sport, racing, urban, travels, extreme, party, trailer, blogs, YouTube, Facebook and many other. SoundFX Included. 

108 RGB Transitions

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