Lynda - Learning 3ds Max - 123561
Lynda - Learning 3ds Max
Autodesk 3ds Max is a popular and powerful tool used by game developers, visual effects artists, and graphic designers for 3D modeling, animation, and rendering. In this course, educators Dariush and Randi Derakhshani introduce you to this multifaceted software, starting with the interface and how to navigate it. Once you're comfortable getting around 3ds Max, you'll learn how to use its many tools to make models with 3D objects, edit polygonal meshes, create surfaces and models with 2D shapes and splines, and more. All of this is presented in the context of a hands-on project where you create a model of an alarm clock.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • 1. Exploring 3ds Max
  • 2. The Interface and Navigation
  • 3. Creating and Manipulating Objects
  • 4. Working with Modifiers
  • 5. Poly Modeling
  • 6. Spline Modeling
  • Lynda - Learning 3ds Max

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