Videohive - Mobile App Promo - 7857769
CC, CS6 | 1920x1080 | No Plugins Required | 430mb
Project description: FULLHD resolution 3d-based display presentation template for mobile app promotion. Contains 27 placeholders as basic setup but can be changed to fit your needs. Also includes Gold, Silver and Space Gray versions of the phone. Doesn`t require any plugins. Project features: 1920×1080 0:55 length 27 Placeholders Gold, Silver, Space Gray colors of the mobile No plugins required Videotutorial is included: change phone type, set the speed of screen change, colors customize Global controls for the BG, text, stars, ticks HD:;list=PLAA523C4F51380E2Fu0026amp;feature=share AUDIO: Stills (clickable)