Udemy - Python on the Backend
Udemy - Python on the Backend

Do you know Python and want to take it to the next level? How about writing a website in Python, or an API so your fellow developers can consume in JSON over simple HTTP. With the boom of microservices and API, developers who are used to working with Python writing scripts can now take their knowledge to the backend. This course will teach you the basic of web servers, how to setup the Python Web server and write interesting cool applications on the backend. By the end of the course you will be read to take on the world and write your own services and APIs, read and write from databases, do sophisticated load balancing on your Python services, work with Jupyter notebooks and much much more!


Bu kurs kimler için uygun:
  • Beginner Python developers interested in building HTTP web APIs in Python
  • Experienced Python developers who want to expose their Python libraries as a web service for other developers
  • Data scientists who want to do heavy computational workload on the backend using vanilla Python or Jupyter notebooks
  • Developers who want to use Python to build APIs that write to a backend database

Course content

  • Introduction
    • Why Back-end Development?
    • Course Outline
  • Getting Started Setup (Mac)
    • Setup Python3 on Mac
    • Installing Tornado the Python HTTP Web Server on Mac
    • Installing Visual Studio Code and Python Extension on Mac
  • Getting Started Setup (Windows)
    • Setup Python3 on Windows
    • Installing Tornado the Python HTTP Web Server on Windows
    • Installing Visual Studio Code and Python Extension on Windows
  • Building the Python HTTP Web Server
    • HTTP Protocol
    • Building a simple GET HTTP method end point in Python
    • Serving a simple HTML file from Python Web Server (Index.html)
  • Input Parameters to Python API
    • Query Parameter vs Resource Parameter
    • Building a GET end point with a query string parameter
    • Building a GET end point with resource parameters
  • Building Dynamic POST and GET JSON HTTP APIs
    • Building a JSON GET endpoint that reads from a text file on the backend
    • Building a JSON POST endpoint that writes to a text file on the backend
  • Consuming Python API from Javascript
    • Consuming the GET and POST API from Javascript/HTML
    • Building an Image Upload Service with Python
    • Spin three instances of tornado running on 3 different ports
  • Jupyter Notebooks
    • What is Jupyter nootbook?
    • Installing Jupyter Notebook on Mac
    • Installing Jupyter Notebook on Windows
    • Installing Jupyter Notebook on Docker
    • Working with Jupyter Notebook (Twitter example)
  • Bonus Section - Python and the Database, Docker Load balancing and more!
    • Load Balancing Python services with nginx
    • Spinning Postgres Instance with Docker
    • Database programming with Python

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