Oreilly - Agile Test Driven Design (TDDe)
by J.V. Ravichandran | Publisher: Technics Publications | Release Date: September 2017 | ISBN: 9781634622783
This module focuses on Test Driven Design (TDDe), a software development technique used within the agile environment. This module will explore the tools, languages, frameworks, and techniques used to achieve a design through tests. Topics covered include: Why Test Driven Design - TDDe (aka Test Driven Development) Why a new approach? Selection of tools including factors to weigh such as empirical, evolutionary, skills oriented, endorsed, or budget) Analysis - the Agile approach Traceability Matrix - from business rules to functional tests When is analysis complete? (Definition of Done) Story boarding and user stories, including using story points for estimation Unit testing (includes deriving scenarios from business rules, writing scenario tests, sharing the test results with the team to develop an outline for user acceptance tests) Agile artifacts in communication Design Contracts
- Agile Test Driven Design (TDDe) 1:00:05