Udemy - Complete Python 3 and Raspberry Pi Masterclass for Novice
Become a Master in Python 3 and Raspberry Pi and acquire employers' one of the most requested skills of 21st Century! An expert level Python 3 and Raspberry Pi Professional can earn minimum $150000 (that's four zeros after 15) in today's economy.
Become a Master in Python 3 and Raspberry Pi and acquire employers' one of the most requested skills of 21st Century! An expert level Python 3 and Raspberry Pi Professional can earn minimum $150000 (that's four zeros after 15) in today's economy.
This is themost comprehensive, yet straight-forward course for the Python 3 and Raspberry Pi on Udemy!Whether you have never worked with Python 3 and Raspberry Pi before, already know basics of Python Programming, or want to learn the advanced features of Raspberry Pi with Python 3, this course is for you! In this course we willteach you Raspberry Pi with Python 3.
(Note, we also provide you PDFs, python programs, and Jupyter Notebooks in case you need them)
Withover 150 lecturesand more than 17 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned in teaching you Python3, Raspberry Pi, Basic Electronics, GPIO, basic Internet of Things, and Image Processing.
This course will teach you Python 3 and Raspberry Pi in a very practical manner, with every lecture comes a programming video and a corresponding Jupyter notebook/ program file that has Python 3 code! Learn in whatever manner is the best for you!
We cover a wide variety of topics, including:
Python 3 Installation on Windows
Raspberry Pi Setup
Basics of Python 3 Programming
Advanced Python 3 Programming
Object Oriented Programming
Exceptions in Python
Pip and PyPI
Scientific Python
NumPy and Matplotlib
Image Processing with NumPy and Matplotlib
File Handling (plaintext, CSV, and Excel files)
SciPy and Machine Learning
MySQL and Python 3
and many more topics not listed here (see the actual course index for the list of topics)
You will get lifetime access to over 150 lectures plus corresponding PDFs, Image Datasets, python programs, and the Jupyter notebooks for the lectures!
So what are you waiting for? Learn Python 3 and Raspberry Pi in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!
이 강좌의 대상:
- People who are just beginning to learn Python and Raspberry Pi
- Anyone who wants to learn programming and electronics in depth
- Scientists, Mathematicians, Physicists, and Engineers
- Programmers and Developers who have not programmed with Python before
- People looking forward for careers in domains like Data Science, IoT, and Python Programming
- Managers and Business Professionals
Course content
- Introduction of the Course
- Objectives, Audience, and Prerequisites
- Course Contents and Topics Overview
- Please leave your feedback
- Why Python 3
- Setup and Verify Python 3 on Windows Computer
- Python 3 Installation on Windows
- Verify the Python installation on Windows
- Python 3 and Raspberry Pi
- What is Raspberry Pi?
- Unboxing of Raspberry Pi
- Downloadable PDF for URLs of Softwares
- Raspberry Pi Raspbian OS Setup Part 1
- Raspberry Pi Raspbian OS Setup Part 2
- Remote Connection to RPi with VNC
- List of Linux commands used in this section
- Install IDLE3 on Raspberry Pi Raspbian
- Python on Raspberry Pi
- Tour of Raspbian OS
- RPi Models and GPIO
- RPi vs Arduino Uno
- Additional Online Learning Resources
- Getting Started with Python
- Hello World! on Windows
- Hello World! on Raspberry Pi
- Interpreter vs Script Mode
- A brief tour of IDLE
- Comparison: RPi vs PC vs Mac
- Python 3 Programming Basics
- Basic Data Types
- Assignment Operators
- print() function
- Comments in Python
- input() functions
- Code Blocks and Indentation
- Reserved words in Python
- Arithmetic Expressions
- Assignment Operators and Expressions
- Arithmetic Operations
- Precedence and Associativity
- Conditional Statements
- Boolean Expressions
- If Statement
- If-Else
- Nested-If
- If-Elif-Else
- Operators
- Loops
- While
- While-break
- While-Continue
- for-list
- for-range
- for-continue-break
- prime
- calculating factorial
- Computing Fibonacci Series
- Functions
- Simple Function
- Function Arguments
- Function with returns
- Arbitrary Arguments
- Recursion
- Simple Recursion
- Factorial with Recursion
- Fibonacci
- Indirect Recursion
- Built-in Functions
- DocStrings
- PyCharm and Geany IDE
- PyChard IDE on Windows
- Geany IDE on Windows
- Strings and Collections
- Strings
- Tuples
- Lists
- Sets
- Dictionaries
- Object Oriented Programming and Exception
- Classes and Object
- Inheritance
- Exception handling
- More Exceptions
- Custom Exceptions
- Datetime and Math
- Command Line Arguments
- Python Package Index and pip
- PyPI and pip
- pip on Windows
- pip on Raspberry Pi
- Python and MySQL
- MySQL Windows Installation
- Getting Started with MySQL and SQL Workbench
- Install SQL Developer on Windows
- Connect to MySQL with Oracle SQL Developer
- Explore MySQL Workbench
- pymysql installation on Windows
- Connect to MySQL with Python 3
- Execute DDL
- Scientific Python Ecosystem and Jupyter
- Scientific Python Ecosystem
- Downloadable PDF for URLs of Projects in Scientific Python Ecosystem
- Jupyter and IPython
- Install Jupyter on Windows
- Install Jupyter on Raspberry Pi
- Install PuTTy on Windows
- Connect to a remote Jupyter Noterbook Server
- A brief tour of Jupyter
- Jupyter Installation Notes
- File I/O
- Plaintext File
- Handling Excel File
- Install NumPy and Matplotlib
- Install NumPy and Matplotlib on Windows
- Install NumPy and Matplotlib on Raspberry Pi
- Getting Started with NumPy
- Introduction to NumPy
- Ndarrays Slicing and Indexing
- Ndarray Properties
- NumPy Constants
- NumPy DataTypes
- Creation of Arrays and Matplotlib
- Ones and Zeroes
- Matrices
- Introduction to Matplotlib
- Numerical Ranges and Visualizations
- Random Sampling
- Ndarray Manipulation
- Bitwise Operations
- Statistical Functions
- Image Processing with NumPy and Matplotlib
- What is Digital Image Processing
- Image Dataset
- Pillow Installation on Windows and Raspberry Pi
- Reading, saving, and displaying images with Matplotlib
- NumPy for Images
- Image Statistics
- Image Masks
- Image Channels
- Arithmetic Operations on Images
- Logical Operations on Images
- Histogram with Matplotlib and NumPy
- A bit of Machine Learning with SciPy
- What is SciPy
- Install SciPy on Windows
- Install SciPy on Raspberry Pi
- K-Means Clustering Improved
- Complete Data Science Example
- What is Pandas?
- Install Pandas on Raspberry Pi
- Install Pandas on Windows
- A complete data Science example
- Plotly Basics
- Installation and Version Checking
- Scatter Plot
- Bubble Chart
- Line Plots
- Area Plots
- Bar Charts
- Horizontal Bar Charts
- Gantt Chart
- Pie Chart
- Table Visualization
- Multiple Visualization
- Python Distributions
- What is Python
- Python Distributions
- Conda, Anaconda, and Miniconda
- Install Anaconda on Windows and verify the setup and environment
- A brief Tour of SPYDER IDE
- Downloadable Bundle for this section
- MariaDB and RPi
- Raspberry Pi Pinout and Buses
- RPi Pins
- Parallel vs Serial
- I2C
- Basic Electronics Components
- Raspberry Pi vs Arduino
- Breadboards and Power Supply
- Jumper Wires
- LEDs and Resistors
- RAB Holder
- LED Programming
- Fritzing
- LED Blink
- Alternate Blinking LEDs - Method 1
- Alternate Blinking LEDs - Method 2
- Chaser Circuit
- Sensors and IoT
- DHT Sensors
- Interface DHT with RPi
- Thingspeak
- Raspberry Pi IoT
- Downloadable Code Files