Oreilly - Front-End Web Development: Using Angular 2, React and Backbone.js LiveLessons - Coding Dojo
by Coding Dojo | Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional | Release Date: March 2017 | ISBN: 9780134669731
Front-End Web Development with Angular 2, React, and Backbone.js LiveLessons div>4+ Hours of Video Instruction div>A practical, hands-on introduction to using three leading JavaScript frameworks -- Angular 2, React, and Backbone.js -- for modern, front-end web development.DescriptionThe course begins with coverage of JavaScript ES6/ ES2015, establishing an initial base. This base will expand to touch on some of the new pieces of ES6, and then takes a brief turn to generate a Node.js server. From there the video course moves on to detail how jQuery works to communicate with a server, and manipulate the DOM with those new data. div>This subsequently leads us to using Backbone to gather data from a server, followed by React rendering of DOM elements. Culminating with Angular 2's strategy to integrate both server communication as well as dynamic rendering of content. The goal of this course is to understand the strengths and weakness of each of these libraries, and how to integrate them into your projects to maximize end user experience and minimize problematic code.The course will use example code projects and discussion to emphasize the strengths and weaknesses of these libraries and provide context for choosing to use any of these, or even other libraries that aren't covered here, or have yet to be developed when developing a project.Skill LevelBeginnerIntermediateWhat You Will Learn: div>An understanding of ES2015/ES6 FundamentalsTo use Backbone to gather data from the serverHow React renders DOM elementsAngular 2's strategy to integrate server communication and dynamic rendering of contentWho Should Take This CourseWeb developers who want to quickly get up to speed with the fundamentals of the front-end web development with a leading JavaScript frameworkCourse Requirements div>Basic understanding of JavaScript and web developmentContents at a GlancePART I: ES2015/ES6 Fundamentals (Mike Hannon)Lesson 1: Introducing ES2015 (ES6)Lesson 2: Code Blocks, Var, Let and ConstLesson 3: Arrow FunctionsLesson 4: PromisesLesson 5: String Literals, Default Parameters, Spread Operators, DestructuringLesson 6: TranspilersLesson 7: Using Front-End Frameworks PART II: Backbone.js (Todd Enders)Lesson 1: What is Backbone.js?Lesson 2: Interlude — Underscore.js and its Relation to Backbone.jsLesson 3: Backbone.js BasicsLesson 4: ModelsLesson 5: Collections and Working with APIsLesson 6: Views and TemplatesLesson 7: EventsLesson 8: Routing PART III: React (Charlie Mead)Lesson 1: From State to UILesson 2: Barebones ReactLesson 3: React PropsLesson 4: Retooling (JSX, Babel & create-react-app)Lesson 5: Component ArchitectureLesson 6: Bringing Back StateLesson 7: Component CategoriesLesson 8: Component Lifecycle PART IV: Angular 2 (Speros Misirlakis)Lesson 1: Angular 2 OverviewLesson 2: Big PictureLesson 3: TypeScriptLesson 4: Building BlocksLesson 5: Build ProcessLesson 6: Review & ResourcesAbout LiveLessons Video TrainingLiveLessons Video Training series publishes hundreds of hands-on, expert-led video tutorials covering a wide selection of technology topics designed to teach you the skills you need to succeed. This professional and personal technology video series features world-leading author instructors published by your trusted technology brands: Addison-Wesley, Cisco Press, IBM Press, Pearson IT Certification, Prentice Hall, Sams, and Que. Topics include IT certification, programming, web development, mobile development, home and office technologies, business and management, and more.
- Introduction
- Front-End Web Development: Using Angular 2, React and Backbone.js LiveLessons - Coding Dojo: Introduction 00:01:17
- Module 1 ES2015 Fundamentals
- Module 1 ES2015 Fundamentals Introduction 00:02:49
- Lesson 1: Introducing ES2015
- 1.1 ES2015 Overview 00:03:35
- 1.2 Code Blocks, Var, Let and Const 00:05:04
- 1.3 Arrow Functions 00:02:51
- 1.4 Promises 00:06:54
- 1.5 String Literals, Default Parameters, Spread Operators, Destructuring 00:05:16
- 1.6 Transpilers 00:04:16
- 1.7 Using Front-End Frameworks 00:01:36
- Using Front-End Frameworks Summary 00:01:20
- Module 2 Backbone.js
- Module 2 Backbone.js Introduction 00:00:55
- Lesson 1: What is Backbone.js?
- 1.1 Understand What Backbone Is 00:02:55
- 1.2 Understand Backbone's Goals 00:00:51
- Lesson 2: Interlude – Underscore.js and its Relation to Backbone.js
- 2.1 Use Underscore at a High Level 00:01:25
- 2.2 Understand Why Underscore and Backbone Work Together 00:01:00
- Lesson 3: Backbone.js Basics
- 3.1 Understand the MV* pattern 00:01:41
- 3.2 Understand Backbone Classes 00:02:20
- 3.3 Understand Backbone Class Inheritance 00:02:01
- Lesson 4: Models
- 4.1 Understand Models and What They Represent 00:01:36
- 4.2 Build Custom Models 00:04:24
- 4.3 Use Models to Perform CRUD Operations via AJAX 00:03:19
- Lesson 5: Collections and Working with APIs
- 5.1 Understand Collections and How They Work with Models 00:01:05
- 5.2 Create and Manage a Collection 00:03:19
- 5.3 Use Collections to Perform CRUD Operations on Models via AJAX 00:03:22
- Lesson 6: Views and Templates
- 6.1 Understand Views, How They Represent a Model or Collection, and Their Scope 00:02:05
- 6.2 Build a Template and Render a View 00:08:34
- 6.3 Use Collection Views to Build Model Views 00:06:11
- Lesson 7: Events
- 7.1 Understand Backbone Events and Build Those Events to Mimic jQuery 00:05:46
- 7.2 Use Backbone Events to Handle User Interaction in Views 00:05:42
- Lesson 8: Routing
- 8.1 Understand How Backbone Routers Help Us Create SPAs 00:07:02
- Understand How Backbone Routers Help Us Create SPAs Summary 00:00:22
- Module 3 React
- Module 3 React Introduction 00:01:13
- Lesson 1: From State to UI
- 1.1 Build a state object 00:01:25
- 1.2 What is state? 00:00:48
- 1.3 How should we generate UI? 00:01:04
- 1.4 React doesn't do templates 00:00:40
- 1.5 React uses components 00:00:32
- Lesson 2: Barebones React
- 2.1 Dependencies 00:02:32
- 2.2 The React object 00:00:29
- 2.3 The ReactDOM object 00:00:23
- 2.4 Update the DOM 00:00:33
- 2.5 Hello World Demo 00:05:26
- 2.6 Nested Elements Demo 00:03:54
- Lesson 3: React Props
- 3.1 React props 00:01:10
- 3.2 Build a button 00:00:31
- 3.3 Button Click Demo 00:02:25
- Lesson 4: Retooling (JSX, Babel and create-react-app)
- 4.1 No more React.createElement() calls 00:01:09
- 4.2 Hooking up Babel 00:03:22
- 4.3 Webpack 00:02:05
- 4.4 Webpack Demo 00:07:03
- Lesson 5: Component Architecture
- 5.1 React components 00:00:48
- 5.2 Component creation 00:00:41
- 5.3 We'll use ES6 00:01:35
- 5.4 Every component class needs to render() UI 00:00:34
- 5.5 NavBar Demo 00:08:06
- Lesson 6: Bringing Back State
- 6.1 What should we track? 00:02:28
- 6.2 Update and re-render 00:02:27
- 6.3 Counter Demo 00:07:34
- 6.4 Todo Demo 00:38:35
- Lesson 7: Component Categories
- 7.1 Stateless components 00:00:59
- 7.2 Refactoring Demo 00:02:23
- Lesson 8: Component Lifecycle
- 8.1 A component's life 00:01:14
- 8.2 Reach out to a server 00:01:17
- 8.3 GitHub API Demo 00:07:43
- GitHub API Demo Summary 00:02:41
- Module 4 Angular 2
- Lesson 1: Angular 2 Overview
- 1.1 What is Angular and why does it matter? 00:05:52
- Lesson 2: Big Picture
- 2.1 Understanding the architecture of an Angular application 00:02:14
- Lesson 3: TypeScript
- 3.1 TypeScript Overview 00:01:37
- 3.2 TypeScript and JavaScript Comparison 00:01:35
- Lesson 4: Building Blocks
- 4.1 Directives 00:03:52
- 4.2 Data Flow 00:03:16
- 4.3 Providers 00:02:14
- 4.4 Components in Components 00:02:08
- 4.5 Providers in Components 00:01:09
- Lesson 5: Build Process
- 5.1 Small demonstration on how to get started on putting all the pieces together 00:21:40
- Small demonstration on how to get started on putting all the pieces together Summary 00:00:55
- Summary
- Front-End Web Development: Using Angular 2, React and Backbone.js LiveLessons - Coding Dojo: Summary 00:00:36
![Oreilly - Front-End Web Development: Using Angular 2, React and Backbone.js LiveLessons - Coding Dojo Oreilly - Front-End Web Development: Using Angular 2, React and Backbone.js LiveLessons - Coding Dojo](/uploads/1.filenext.gif)