Lynda - After Effects Compositing: 4 Color Keying - 114914
Lynda - After Effects Compositing: 4 Color Keying
Color keying, also known as chroma keying, lets you shoot a foreground scene and insert it into virtually any background; this can save you money and allow you to create shots that are impossible or highly dangerous to take as a single shot. For it to be effective, the key is in the details. In this course, Mark Christiansen shows how to produce feature-film-quality keys in After Effects that fit well within their new scenes, while retaining the subtle details—be they strands of hair or soft or translucent edges—that make the results believable.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • 1. Work with Keylight
  • 2. Manage Edges and Spill
  • 3. Divide a Matte for Best Results When Keying
  • 4. Solve Problematic Edges
  • 5. Complex Color Keys and Primatte
  • 6. High-Contrast Mattes (When There Is No Green Screen)
  • 7. Prep for Success When Color Keying
  • Lynda - After Effects Compositing: 4 Color Keying

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