CM - Illustrator 24 Karat Gold Collection 292415

CM - Illustrator 24 Karat Gold Collection 292415

Adobe CS3+ | 354.57 MB

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24 Karat Gold Timeless Collection for ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR

Extended Use Included: Use on all your cards, printables and more! (Limited Time)


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Save $20 on Combo Kit ☞ | Photoshop version ☞

The sample swatches are shown in close up detail, and each of the 93 styles can be sized down 2x with a click for the smoothest gold paint styles imaginable!

After hearing one request again and again, I've finally answered back! I had a lot of designers loving the InstaGlam styles, but wanted some smoother and less patterned styles. After much hard work and careful tweaking, I'm proud to introduce the all new 24 Karat Gold Timeless gold collection, my very best collection yet!


What makes this style collection unique and special?


Super creamy refined styles that look amazing for very large backgrounds as well as intricate designs

Carefully painted gold luxury styles expertly adjusted for the perfect gold color with no tints of green

Designed with maximum versatility, apply them at 100, 50 or 25% scale for ultimate refinement!

Extended Use Included: Use on all your cards, printables and more! (Limited Time)


Illustrator Tutorial:

Full Playlist:

As usual, this set has the refinement you come to expect from my style sets, plus TONS of value as well. Why pay $15 for a few variations of a single effect, when you get so many flawless styles with my 1-click effects. No mess, no smart PSDs or overly complicated illustrator actions dragging you down... just magic!


Buy with confidence! My new products are exclusive to Creative Market and my own site. My focus is on consistently exceptional, couture quality resources at everyday, affordable prices. xx Jess


93 Amazing 1-click pattern swatches for Adobe Illustrator


I took all of the delicious patterns and created a one-click pattern swatch

Raster pattern swatches allow for brilliant effects without bogging Illustrator down

Your text stays LIVE with effects applied!

Style resize action: Resize the pattern style up or down with a click

Insider price alerts for my Creative Market products ☞


Have a question? Send me a message! Happy Creating! xx Jessica



CM - Illustrator 24 Karat Gold Collection 292415






P A S S W O R D : karatlnyea21914


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RAR Expander 0.8.5 Beta 4  and extract password protected files without error.

