How To Draw Teeth I Pen And Pencil Drawing
How To Draw Teeth I Pen And Pencil Drawing

Drawing for Beginners


In this short video drawing course, I'm going to go through how to draw teeth. It's something to add to your portrait drawings. It's a very IMPORTANT, but short course. I hope you enjoy it and I hope it adds to your artist journey.

Teeth are often ignored. They are seen as an afterthought. I understand that I’ve seen finished portraits that has something off about them. I later understood that it was because the artist wasn’t aware of how to draw teeth. For example, the teeth are not flat, they are on a cylindrical axis.

I’ll show you what I mean in the video lesson. Learning very specific aspects of portrait drawing can patch weaknesses you didn’t know you had. Much like the ear, it’s a part of portrait drawing that is routinely ignored.

Here are what is in the course:

- the BIGGEST mistake when drawing teeth

-The shapes of teeth

- Demonstration Drawing of teeth

-Final Thoughts

Tighten up your face drawings with this art course. You’ll have something over most portrait artists. It’s a great short drawing course that you’ll be able to go back and look at when needed. Push your artistic skill to the next level.

Let's get started!

How To Draw Teeth I Pen And Pencil Drawing

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