Wordpress Beginners - Make Your Own Awesome Websites Today.
Wordpress Beginners - Make Your Own Awesome Websites Today.
4 Websites walk-through. Learn WordPress on your Mac or Windows PC desktop without paying for a domain or web hosting.


If you are a person who is looking to be shown an easy to follow Step-By-Step training that would make it easy for you to make your own website exactly the way you want it to be, for your business, brand, or personal life, this course is for you.


There are thousands if not millions of web design stars amongst you that do not take the first step because you are unsure if web design would work for you.

This can be a big problem if you have to pay for a website domain name and web hosting before you find out if this is right for you.

Being busy working or studying leaves very little time to pursue your passion,  and monthly costs would definitely discourage most people.


In this course, I show you how to download and install FREE software that allows you to create WordPress websites on your personal Mac or Windows desktop so you can practice website creation at your own pace without having to worry about monthly costs of  web hosting or paying  for a domain name.

Take as long as you need to make your perfect website for free and only when you are ready to take it online, pay for your domain and web hosting.


In this step by step training, I will guide you to create your website with free WordPress installation and show you how to customise it using Free Themes, Plugins and widgets.

After you create your perfect website and want to launch it online, I will show you how to migrate it with a few clicks to your online web hosting.

To put the icing on the cake, none of the training steps involve any coding or programming which means anyone interested in webdesign can learn to create fully functional and professional websites.

When you've done all that,  your website will look like it has been created by an experienced professional web designer.

Wordpress Beginners - Make Your Own Awesome Websites Today.

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