The Power of Line. Intro to Line Drawing in Procreate

 The Power of Line. Intro to Line Drawing in Procreate

This class is about Line Drawing as the most accessible and simple method of expressing yourself creatively. 

You will learn about the key features of the line, how to play with the line weight, and how to create a nice flow and rhythm in your line drawings. You'll see how easy the whole creating process could be from practicing simple strokes to making the final artwork.

This class is for everyone who is interested in drawing. If you ever asked yourself a question of why art things work the way they work that’s the place to get your answers.

It will be a good fit for beginner Skechers, Illustrators, and people who ever doodled randomly on a piece of paper while being on the phone.

The line is the base of the drawing process We use it when we quickly need to explain something or give someone directions. 

You will practice the skills you learn by drawing the portrait of your favorite coffee cup but after that, you’ll see the objects around you differently and your line art drawings will evolve and become even more awesome!

I use these principles myself in most of my artworks - marker sketching, book illustration, color pencil drawings, and others.

 The Power of Line. Intro to Line Drawing in Procreate

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