Learn to code - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Learn to code - HTML, CSS, and javascript



Build a  one page website |Todolist App | Calculator |Quiz app



What you'll learn: 

Coding Tools

Installing web browsers

Planning a website

Designing a website

Choosing assets

Create HTML Document

HTML Attributes

MarkUp HTML Text

Create Links

Ways to apply CSS

CSS Selectors


CSS Margin and Padding

CSS Background color

CSS Font Property

Where to add javascript

Variables and Arrays

Conditional statements


Data Types

Operators and Events

Create a calculator

Create an interactive quiz

Create a Todo List App


Learning to code can be both fun and rewarding. It is exciting to be able to write some code that gives the computer a bunch of tasks to perform.

I  always advise beginners to start with coding for the web to build their coding skills. The three technologies every web developer must know are :

HTML : Used to create  content 

CSS: Used to present the content

javascript : Used to create interaction


They are the building blocks of all websites and web based projects.

This course will teach you the basics of these three technologies by creating 

A basic one page website project.

A calculator

A Todo list app

An interactive quiz app.


What You will learn :

Coding Tools

Installing web browsers

Planning a website

Designing a website

Choosing assets

Create HTML Document

HTML Attributes

MarkUp HTML Text

Create Links

Ways to apply CSS

CSS Selectors


CSS Margin and Padding

CSS Background color

CSS Font Property

Where to add javascript

Variables and Arrays

Conditional statements


Data Types



Create a calculator

Create an interactive quiz

Create a Todo List App



javascript is an object-oriented programming language employed by most websites along with HTML and CSS to create robust, dynamic and interactive user experiences. 

The javascript programming language was introduced in 1995 and has since become one of the most popular with support by all major web browsers. javascript programs are used both client-side and server-side to add functionality to web pages. Stack Overflow developer survey listed javascript as the most popular front end developer and back end development technology.

javascript is one of the main programming languages used in web development.

Not only is javascript easy to use and very versatile,

but those who have the skills to use it are in very high demand.

Companies are always looking for people with javascript proficiency.

It is a great language to learn if you are interested in web development 

because the skills you learn from javascript online courses are very transferable.




Who this course is for:Absolute beginners to codingAbsolutely beginners to programmingAbsolute beginners to web development.

Who this course is for:

Absolute beginners to coding

Absolutely beginners to programming

Absolute beginners to web development.


Learn to code - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

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