Unreal Engine : Architectural Visualization

Unreal Engine : Architectural Visualization
Improve your Architectural Visualization skills with this 4 in 1 Unreal Engine course pack

What you'll learn
Preparing your Revit model for export
Using Unreal Datasmith Product Viewer Tools
Creating Unreal materials
Swapping out materials
Lighting your models
Adding interactions
Packaging content for distribution on VR and mobile devices
Migrating material packages
Batch replacing of materials
Static vs. dynamic lighting
Lightmap analysis, correction, and padding
Shader analysis and correction
Draw call optimization
Improving reflections
Creating a substance graph
Stone, gold, and copper material
Combining materials using an ID mask
Exposing parameters and preparing resolution
Exporting Substance materials
Building a scene
Substance with displacement
Geometry detail vs. texture detail
Advantages of bitmaps in Unreal
Building materials inside Unreal
How and when to use the Material Editor
Building flexibility into materials
Using Substance Source and Share
Using B2M inside Unreal Engine
Benefits of procedural texturing

Unreal Engine : Architectural Visualization

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