ThemeForest - Musika v2.0.0 - Music Festival & Band Joomla Template - 17731775

ThemeForest - Musika v2.0.0 - Music Festival & Band Joomla Template - 17731775

Musika is a clean, modern but user friendly Joomla 3.x template which is typically created for music bands and music sites with elegant and functional home versions, 2 blog styles, various pages such as Team, Video, Album and Tour pages, which are suitable for a site of music band, detailed about us and contact page. Owning a range of cutting-edge and out-standing features, this template surely makes your website amazing, attractive and impressive. Musika, a responsive Joomla template, was built on Astroid Framework and strongly supports Joomla! 3x with HTML5 and CSS3. Apart from owning a stunning and clean interface and proper execution, Musika also makes use of TZ Portfolio Plus, TZ Portfolio Plus’s add-ons and template styles, SP Page Builder, EasyBlog, EasySocial and Hikashop. For these reasons, Musika is a good choice for you to create an awesome website.

ThemeForest - Musika v2.0.0 - Music Festival & Band Joomla Template - 17731775

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