CM - The Girly-Girl Mock Up Creator 290704
CM - The Girly-Girl Mock Up Creator 290704
CM - The Girly-Girl Mock Up Creator 290704
2 PSD  | 1.26 GB RAR
This Ultra Feminine Mock Up Creator, equipped with smart layers, is perfect for showcasing prints, cards, artwork & more. Whether you want to go vintage, rustic, or totally chic, this is the mock up for your girly needs! Each item was careful planned, photographed, and designed to make your products pop! This mock up contains 7 fun Backgrounds for your mock up, along with 70 Unique Objects, all saved as smart objects, in one PSD file optimized for easy editing. Each object comes with a shadow in a separate layer. In addition, this mock up creator contains 7 pre-staged scenes, to make your life easier. 

tems Included: -gold scissors (2) -coffee mug -coffee stain splatter -white book -striped journal -notepad -sketch book -blank papers- without any extra shadow layers (2) -gold sequins (16) -flower petals (7) -cluster of flower blooms -single flower bloom -transparent empty vases (4) -flower vases (2) -potted succulents (2) -wallet -paint brushes (2) -sharpie pen with lid -calligraphy pen -water-brush -blending stubs (3) -brown envelope -gold pencil box -hole punch -iPhone (2) -driftwood log -antlers (2) -nail polish (3) plus splatters (2) -gold marquee style stringed light bulb lights. -purse -lace -(7) unique scenes, with great backgrounds for quick tweaking.



CM - The Girly-Girl Mock Up Creator 290704


 P A S S W O R D :  GFXTRAcomDRGirlyGirlMock

 TO MAC USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: 

RAR Expander 0.8.5 Beta 4  and extract password protected files without error. 
