CM - Photo Realistic Flyer Mock-Ups set

File Types: psd,pdf|File Size:38.55 MB|Requirements:Adobe CS2+|Layered:Yes|DPI:300 DPI|Dimensions:4288 x 3216 px
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Realistic Flyer Mock-Ups

Easy to replace pages with your designs using smart objects, double-click the Smart Layer, copy & paste your artwork, save, and you’re done!




For beginners I prepared a help file.




4 photorealistic presentations

Photoshop CS4 compatible 

easy and fast editing with smart objects

4288×3216 pixel resolution in 300 dpi quality

organizaed Layers and folders

separate all objects, shadows and lights

passibility of substitution background using smart object

atomatic background perspective

first mockup with irregular side appearance

6 different Angle's 



Based on:

paper : A4 - a5 - a6 format

4  PSD  file 

1  PDF file

total 4 different Angles

is also easy to use for beginners users








CM - Photo Realistic Flyer Mock-Ups set


