GraphicRiver - Photorealistic Close-Up Mock-Ups v.1

GraphicRiver - Photorealistic Close-Up Mock-Ups v.1

PSD | High Resolution: Yes | Layered: Yes | CS3 | Pixel Dimensions: 2300x1600 | 445.32 MB


9 photorealistic close-up mockups for logo, text or shape. Great for presentation of your logo, badge, sign design, font, text or shape. Very easy to use. Just few seconds and you’ll have realistic photo presentation.


 9 styles included: – paint on rough wall, embossed wood, paint on dark brick wall, gold print on dark paper, chalk draw on board, 3d sign on dark wall, paint on light brick wall, fancy print on paper and print on rough paper


 All mock-up templates are in Photoshop files with hi-res 2300×1600 pixels. Smart objects included to easy replace sample image with your logo, text or shape. Realistic results in seconds!


 For any help regarding this file, please feel free to contact me through my profile page and I’ll be glad to offer support



GraphicRiver - Photorealistic Close-Up Mock-Ups v.1
