Kitchen sink and faucet ZorG
Kitchen sink and faucet ZorG
Kitchen sink and faucet ZorG
Kitchen sink and faucet ZorG
Platform: 3dsMax 2011 + fbx Render: Vray

The archive files: MAX 2011, 2014, obj, fbx, texture, wiring diagrams. Stack not collapsed. Models deployed UnwrapUVW. Kitchen sink with tempered glass ZorG INOX GL-7851OV BLACK Dimensions: 780h510h190 mm, bowl 406 mm Material: stainless steel AISI 304, tempered, safety glass. bowl color: silver, gold, glass color: white, black kitchen faucet ZORG FONTAS SZR-1339 Dimensions: H 365 mm Material: Stainless steel  all, high-quality renderings !!! ;)
Kitchen sink and faucet ZorG

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