Oreilly - SQL Server 2016 Fundamentals for the Accidental DBA LiveLessons - 9780134619729
Oreilly - SQL Server 2016 Fundamentals for the Accidental DBA LiveLessons
by Eric Johnson | Released November 2016 | ISBN: 0134619722

6+ Hours of Video Instruction Help non-DBAs learn the critical skills they need to manage SQL Servers. Description SQL Server is installed behind many third-party applications and behind Microsoft development tools such as Visual Studio. System administrators and developers alike are increasingly responsible for working with and managing SQL Server with no prior exposure or background. Further, they need to understand thebasics of relational databases and technologies, such as indexing and stored procedures, to effectively develop applications. This video covers SQL Server from their perspectives and gives them what they need to manage these instances. SQL Server 2016 Fundamentals for the Accidental DBA LiveLessons is for power users, developers, IT pros, and anyone who manages SQL Server without formal DBA training. Eric Johnson shows you how to perform the essential DBA tasks with SQL Server 2016, even if you've never had any DBA training. In these lessons, you learn at your own pace through realistic hands-on examples that walk you through every step. While these lessons are taught on SQL Server 2016 and use the latest tools and features, most of what you learn can be applied to earlier versions as well. If you are an accidental DBA–expected to run Microsoft SQL Server efficiently, reliably, and securely, when nobody ever taught you how--then this is the video for you. From backup/restore to indexing to scheduling to memory management, you get all the personal, practical DBA training you'll ever need. Skill Level BeginnerIntermediate Topics Covered Fully up-to-date for SQL Server 2016 including: The SQL Server 2016 Management toolsUpdates to SQL Server 2016 SecurityGuidance for producing better code for communicating with SQL ServerCrucial topics like indexing, query plans, and the execution cacheBasic skills and knowledge needed to maintain SQL ServerProgrammability objects in SQL Server and how the use of each is appropriateRelational databases and how to go about accessing and storing data in a relational database Who Should Take this Course? Any developer or admin who has been given the responsibility of managing SQL ServerAlso a good study resource for IT professionals pursuing SQL Certification Course Requirements Basic IT SkillsIntermediate knowledge of Microsoft Windows Understand Windows ServicesFamiliarity with Installing and Managing Applications About LiveLessons Video Training The LiveLessons Video Training series publishes hundreds of hands-on, expert-led video tutorials covering a wide selection of technology topics designed to teach you the skills you need to succeed. This professional and personal technology video series features world-leading author instructors published by your trusted technology brands: Addison-Wesley, Cisco Press, IBM Press, Pearson IT Certification, Prentice Hall, Sams, and Que. Topics include: IT Certification, Programming, Web Development, Mobile Development, Home and Office Technologies, Business and Management, and more. View all LiveLessons on InformIT at: http://www.informit.com/livelessons Show and hide more
  1. Introduction
    • SQL Server 2016 Fundamentals for the Accidental DBA LiveLessons: Introduction 00:05:20
  2. Lesson 1: SQL Server Overview
    • 1.0 Learning objectives 00:00:30
    • 1.1 Understand SQL Server 00:03:15
    • 1.2 Use SQL Server in your Enterprise 00:02:44
  3. Lesson 2: The SQL Server Management Tools
    • 2.0 Learning objectives 00:00:38
    • 2.1 Understand SQL Server Management Studio 00:06:32
    • 2.2 Use Configuration Manager to manage settings 00:08:53
    • 2.3 Develop with SQL Server data tools 00:04:13
    • 2.4 Capture traces with SQL Server Profiler 00:10:35
  4. Lesson 3: Relational Database Basics
    • 3.0 Learning objectives 00:00:38
    • 3.1 Understand how tables are used in database 00:14:52
    • 3.2 Understand how to manage relationships between tables 00:14:46
  5. Lesson 4: Server Configuration
    • 4.0 Learning objectives 00:00:39
    • 4.1 Configure SQL Server processor settings 00:05:33
    • 4.2 Configure SQL Server memory settings 00:06:35
  6. Lesson 5: Configuring Databases
    • 5.0 Learning objectives 00:00:39
    • 5.1 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTSs in a SQL Server database 00:14:18
    • 5.2 Understand how SQL Server uses database files 00:19:52
  7. Lesson 6: Backup SQL Server Databases
    • 6.0 Learning objectives 00:00:49
    • 6.1 Choose an appropriate backup type 00:09:48
    • 6.2 Backup databases using the GUI 00:10:50
    • 6.3 Script and automate database backups 00:14:13
  8. Lesson 7: Restore SQL Server Databases
    • 7.0 Learning objectives 00:00:34
    • 7.1 Choose a restore type based on your backups 00:02:30
    • 7.2 Restore a backup using the GUI 00:11:52
    • 7.3 Restore backups of System databases 00:08:15
  9. Lesson 8: Server Security
    • 8.0 Learning objectives 00:00:44
    • 8.1 Manage logins in SQL Server 00:09:02
    • 8.2 Understand and use the appropriate Server Roles 00:04:25
    • 8.3 Understand other server level permissions 00:07:43
  10. Lesson 9: Database Security
    • 9.0 Learning objectives 00:00:36
    • 9.1 Configure users in a database 00:10:38
    • 9.2 Configure appropriate database roles 00:10:14
    • 9.3 Understand the other database level permissions 00:10:23
  11. Lesson 10: T-SQL
    • 10.0 Learning objectives 00:00:40
    • 10.1 Use data manipulation language to make changes to data 00:35:39
    • 10.2 Use data definition language to manage objects in SQL Server 00:06:28
  12. Lesson 11: Advanced Programmability
    • 11.0 Learning objectives 00:00:42
    • 11.1 Understand stored procedures and know when they are used 00:07:41
    • 11.2 Understand functions and know when they are used 00:12:17
    • 11.3 Create views based on your underlying tables 00:05:30
    • 11.4 Create triggers to update data when events occur 00:12:04
    • 11.5 Understand CLR integration and how you can use it with functions and stored procedures 00:06:45
  13. Lesson 12: Configuring SQL Server Indexes
    • 12.0 Learning objectives 00:00:45
    • 12.1 Understand the types of indexes 00:08:22
    • 12.2 Use indexes to improve database performance 00:09:50
    • 12.3 Understand when to use covering indexes 00:08:57
  14. Lesson 13: Application Security
    • 13.0 Learning objectives 00:00:51
    • 13.1 Set up application security 00:07:56
    • 13.2 Create an abstraction layer 00:22:07
  15. Summary
    • SQL Server 2016 Fundamentals for the Accidental DBA LiveLessons: Summary 00:02:12
  16. Show and hide more

    Oreilly - SQL Server 2016 Fundamentals for the Accidental DBA LiveLessons





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